At the cusp of change I stand.
Before me I see an empty studio; my perspective changes as props are being put in place, bodies find their space, and movement is instructed/improvised/collaborated... Life.
How we fill it is our decision.
The process of creating a new dance. It's a decision making process. One decision shows something new. If it doesn't "work," we can reverse a mistake; either in the same rehearsal or in the next... but life isn't a rehearsal, is it?
Every decision determines a lesson we are going to learn. Some lessons last longer than a two-hour rehearsal, some may last two years, but I'm not conditioned to think that way --- Try it --- It doesn't work --- Change it --- Next --- Or... sit it out for a while and find (a different) meaning within that?
"Should I stay or should I go now?"
Today I will focus on the decision making process in the here and now for my new choreographic work "Duality of the Lotus." Now is the moment to live. Tomorrow is tomorrow. I'm making the decision to put off the decision.