
Hello reader or fellow blogger, WELCOME! I am happy to see you on my blog: Exploring & Examining Life. This is a blog with philosophical and poetic posts. Join me on my journey of contemplation and self-discovery.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

What day is it today? Not Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday... but a day where we feel and should understand that living never becomes easy. Let's be open to grow and continue to grow and understand that joy and suffering are in essence really one. I want to live a life of awareness where I heal what has been and embrace what comes my way.

Monday started with a psycho-therapeutic massage and ended with a life-altering idea
Tuesday was used to reflect and realize
Wednesday was the day when emotions were expressed and the idea was verbalized and supported
Thursday is the day of furthered inspiration and actualization

What a difference a day makes...

Words of sincere encouragement and trust in that you are fully capable can come from unexpected places.
There are days I just want to sing and shout "I love life" and I enjoy every part of the journey, as challenging as it may be sometimes. "In suffering lies opportunity."

Every day is a precious one.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

4 Short Poems

(written on 25 October 2010)

Where do you come from?
Can I trace you?
Do I want to?
I want you.
Just be with you.
Just be.
Be with me.
I love you.


When I see you, I smile.
Not just my mouth. I feel it in my eyes,
my nose, my lips, my ears, my hands writing this, my breasts
all my chakras are awakened.
No. 2 is up! Good morning!
Ik hou van jou lieverd.


I am bare naked for you.


Your touch.
Your tush.


(written on 25 October 2010)

Did I wait for Her?
Did I await It?
How to Define the Divine
The Mystic
The Intangible
The most soaring
The indelible...


with every breath
oh how I'm feeling it
My chakras are opening up, they are blossoming
like a beautiful Magnolia tree that
looked out over the sea,
the land, the sky,
and endured all seasons,
may now sprout, blossom
and enjoy all the elements,

You are air, water, earth & fire.

I'm feeling you on my skin,
in my trunk, on my branches, my leaves
You are the Air that strokes my skin,
the Fire that warms my heart,
the Earth that grounds me,
and the
Water that moves me.

Baby, you take me places.

It is okay

(written on 20 October 2010)

It is okay to love me
It is okay to love who you want to love

The stars up above
are shining down on me
showing me the path

It is okay to love you
It is okay to love who you want to love

On this day--and the next--and the next
It is Spirit Day--a day of respect,
shining brightly, engaging, and loving.


It is okay to love and be loved.